Friday, February 13, 2009

Eerie Art.

I have amassed a quite large collection of vintage pharmacist bottles and was wondering what I could do with them other than display them in my kitchen cabinet and this artist came to mind. I stumbled across her Myspace page about a year ago and I am in love with her work. Her name is Lisa Mei Ling Fong and she is an assemblage artist. Her work definitely has that beautifully creepy, ethereal look that I strive to create (yet somehow my love of glitter always takes over). Every piece looks like it came out of a victorian curiosity shop. She has such a unique style, though I can't promise that I won't try to borrow some of her ideas :).Check out her website and her Myspace page Here are a few of my favorite pieces of hers. Enjoy!

And here is a portion of my collection. Many of these are Victorian homeopathic bottles.

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